Has Ocwen Loan Servicing Met Its Waterloo?

Joel Sucher
9 min readApr 9, 2019

Ocwen (now Ocwen/PHH) reminds me of those Japanese soldiers — despite the war having ended — who continued to fight on against all odds until someone slapped them upside the head and let them know the world has moved on.

I’ve written about this company for many years and all the dastardly things they’ve pulled off (think fraud) when trying to muscle in on one’s home and hearth (my own home included).

“Liquidity problems are us,” they cried during the height of the pandemic while trying to stay afloat but yet despite best PR efforts to paint a rosy picture they’re still taking incoming; most recently, from a triumvirate of upstate NY towns accusing them of failing to maintain so-called “zombie homes.”

Ocwen/PHH is one of those non-descript financial entities that doesn’t evince any real media interest (excluding myself, that is) but it should given how many homeowner’s they’ve screwed through the years.

Anyway, that’s all for updates…

More to come as I spin around the thought of rolling all my writings into a book of some sort.

Now, here’s the last version of the article.

… and since I published this piece in April, 2019, the company — now merged with PHH Mortgage — has been caught up in an endless war to maintain…



Joel Sucher

Joel Sucher has been producing documentaries for some fifty years and writing about subjects like surveillance, cinema, anarchism, foreclosure (among others).